Contact A Stagehand Staffing Provider To Get Help With These Tasks

If you're planning to put on any type of stage performance, whether it's a dramatic production, a music concert, or something else, you want to be confident that the show will appear professional for your gathered guests. While you're focused on dealing with a lengthy to-do list of tasks, you should seek help with the setup of the stage by contacting a stagehand staffing provider in your area. This organization can ensure that an appropriate number of experienced stagehands will arrive at your location prior to your event to perform a wide range of tasks — including several that you may not be able to deal with yourself. Here are some tasks that your hired stagehands can perform.

Setting Up Lighting

Lighting can go a long way toward making a stage event look professional. Whether your stage is indoors or outdoors, your stagehands will be able to set up a variety of stage lights — including spotlights, can lights, lantern lights, and more. Your stagehands will get this work done prior to your rehearsals, as this will allow you to not only check the functionality of the lights but also to ensure that they're adequate for your needs. During the event itself, your stagehands can operate any of the lights that require manual operation.

Setting Up Sound

Another key element to a professional-looking stage production is high-quality sound. Regardless of what type of production you're putting on, you don't want people in the audience having to strain to hear. Your hired stagehands will deal with your microphone needs. This could include hanging several microphones above the stage, outfitting your performers with wireless microphones, or setting up microphones and stands in various locations around the stage. The stagehands will also position your speakers along the front and edges of the stage and in other locations throughout the venue as needed based on the size and layout of the venue.

Setting Up The Set

You may also wish to seek help from your stagehands when it comes to creating your on-stage set. For some productions, the set may be minimal, but it can be significant for others. For example, perhaps you need extra sets of hands to assemble a wide variety of props that you've gathered to give the stage the appearance of an Old West town. Your stagehands are experienced with set building and will be able to work alongside your volunteers to build the set quickly and safely.

To learn more, contact a stagehand staffing company.
